wonder (2017) movie

Tonight, I watched a movie and I cried! I know most people would say “People cry cuz of movies all the time, so what’s the big deal?”

For me, it is a big deal. Even earned the nickname ‘hard heart’ one time because I wouldn’t shed a single tear when we saw the movie- the passion of the Christ by Mel Gibson. Oya, start thinking I’m evil like that. Lol. 

So, some are probably asking, then what is so special about this movie? Well, I can’t really say, so why don’t I tell you the story? 

August Pullman is a ten-year-old boy who was born with a birth malformation called Treacher Collin syndrome which affected his facial features and his physiological being. To survive, he had to undergo 27 surgeries, some to help him breathe, hear, see and most, to make him look better. 

Despite all these, he still looked ‘different’. Most people thought he looked like a freak, others thought he looked like a scary monster. Because of this, his mum had to home-school him till he turned ten. 

Then she decided to enroll him at a private school for a new session. She wanted him to have a normal life, and mix with other kids. To feel better about himself, August would always wear a space helmet to cover his facial features. But his father convinced him to take it off on his first day at school. 

Let’s just say it didn’t go well. Everyone would stare at him, avoid him, laugh at him. He was pretty miserable no matter how much he acted like it couldn’t get to him. But he was a pretty smart kid. So, he made a new friend, Jack after a while. 

He became happier and life was easier for August. But one day, he dressed as a ghost for Halloween, Jack, not recognizing him, made fun of him and said some pretty mean stuff about him to other people, without knowing August was the one in the ghost costume. August felt pretty bad and he cried home. All he wanted was his helmet, no one should ever have to see his face again. The bullying and every other thing didn’t matter before because he had Jack. 

The next day at school, he started ignoring Jack while a new girl, Summer, decided to befriend him for who he was and not out of pity. Jack felt bad and upset when he discovered August was the one in the ghost costume. Then he stood up to one of August’s bullies, and got suspended but he and August finally reconciled and they became friends again. 

The movie ended with August standing up for himself against older bullies and gaining new friends. He cried because he never thought it would be possible. At their middle school graduation, he was given the Henry Ward Beecher medal for the most outstanding student. His zest for life and perseverance was an inspiration to not just students but teachers as well. 

Despite the threats, someone photoshopped him out of their class picture and said “Do everyone a favour and die”.  People go out of their way to avoid him, he got hurt, sad, and lost his friend for a while but he never gave up. 

His older sister, Via, served as the most selfless person in the movie. She never got upset because all the attention was always on her brother, even after she lost her best friend, Miranda. Her little brother was always an inspiration and she loved him, scars and all. 

Jack, despite peer pressure, finally stood up for August and wasn’t too big to apologize. His friendship saved August’s life. 

Miranda, Via’s best friend who ditched her was going through serious family challenges but she got over it and made up with Via because if August could do it, why shouldn’t she? 

I’m sure I don’t need to write philosophy or preach, the message is clear. Never give up. In the end, August makes a statement that goes “Everyone is fighting a hard battle, but if you want to see what people truly are, all you have to do is….. Look!”


© Oluwaseun Wende, 2018 

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