domus pacis 3

Tessa scowled as she listened to her mother chatting away on the other end of the call. The woman was oblivious to Tessa’s growing annoyance at their conversation. Typical mum Tessa thought.

“Theresa, your Father and I want you home for your birthday.” Her mother pleaded.

Tessa didn’t find that suggestion appealing. “No mum, you know that town is somehow.”

“Come on dear. We’ve not seen Leo for months now. He’s our grandson. Do you think we want to miss out on his childhood?” Her mother knew the right buttons to push.

It wasn’t like she wanted to keep Leo away from his grandparents. But no one in Ijaye knew about Leo. Only a few persons and the Priests in the church knew about him. And she wanted to keep it like that. Not because of her reputation, but because her son would be ostracized. Leo deserved better than that.

“Mum, come on. There’s still plenty of time to watch him grow. He’s just three.”

“Theresa Odiahi, you will come home for your birthday. You will bring Leo with you, and you will enjoy your stay. And that’s all I’m saying on the subject. Case closed.” There was finality in her mother’s tone.

Tessa sighed, there was no winning that woman. “Fine mum. But don’t expect me to be happy about this.”

Her mother scoffed “You’ll soon change your mind. I no know wetin dey pursue you commot for house.

A tug on her blouse drew her attention. Leo was trying to get her attention. “Mum, I have to go, I’ll talk to you later.”

She dropped the call and smiled down at her son. “Leonard, what is it?”

“Uncle Richie said dinner is ready.” The three-year-old said.

She smiled and told him to go ahead. He toddled out of the room with his little feet. Her heart warmed with love for her son; he was a beautiful child. Thank the Heavens that he came out looking exactly like her. There was no trace of his forceful sperm donor in him. She wanted him to get to know her parents better. Unfortunately, she wasn’t ready to face Ijaye yet. Her heart was just getting healed. It took the whole of April to finally get herself together. Fr. Nicholas Hart wasn’t going to take her sanity again.


Fr. Nicholas strolled down the stairs leisurely. He was aware of his Boss’s growing impatience; it made him smile. Fr. Nathaniel wasn’t exactly a patient man. He believed every second was important and should not be wasted on dalliance. The man called that he had just finished making dinner, and it was time to eat.

They now did the cooking and other household chores themselves. Fr. Nathaniel didn’t take it too kindly when he discovered how deceitful and manipulative Clementina was. He told the girl to leave. To crown her treachery, she had revealed that Matthias; an Altar Server, and John were having an affair. Poor John was caught unprepared, and he couldn’t deny it. Clementina wasn’t going to go down alone. It was a messy affair. Homosexuality was a very dangerous act to Fr. Nathaniel.

Father had to let the two of them go. Fr. Nicholas wasn’t sure if it was a good idea. What if the girl decides to spread rumours about him and Tess? Or about Father and Ann? Father had calmed his fears. Told him that he had already spoken to the girl. That if he heard the faintest whiff of a rumour anywhere, she was going to be arrested and charged to court for slander. She knew Fr. Nathaniel well enough that he would carry out his threats.

“I’m sorry Father. I was on a call.” Fr. Nicholas apologised once he got to the dining table.

Fr. Nathaniel only grunted a response. He stood up and started the prayer before meal. After the Amen, they sat down to their food. Father already served his food. It was rice and chicken stew. The rice was a little soggy and salty. But Fr. Nicholas was not going to complain. He was simply grateful for a nice meal. 

He took a sip of water. “Father, has StellaMarris spoken to you about their drama presentation?” 

The annual Marian Drama Fest was fast approaching. All the parishes in their deanery gather on the first day of June for a big drama competition. It was usually done to mark the end of the May devotions. The top three would win cash prizes. Fr. Nathaniel took the preparations seriously. He was a lover of the arts. Unfortunately, St. Anselm and St. Francis Xavier were always taking the two leads. Church of Ascension; their Church has been third three times consecutively.

“Oh yes. This time around, we are hiring a professional script writer.” Fr. Nathaniel’s face crinkled with a smile.

“Isn’t that against the rules? Paying a professional?” Fr. Nicholas was wary. Maybe his boss was getting too obsessed with winning.

Fr. Nathaniel waved him away. “Not paying. She’s one of us. Theresa of course. I’m sure you know she’s a professional screenwriter. Well, her birthday is this May, and she’ll be coming home with her son in two days. Her mother was generous with this information. So, I plan to ask her to whip us a story that’ll crush Anselm and Francis Xavier.”

Fr. Nicholas was choking on water. But his boss was too lost in his rants to notice. He finally calmed down and noticed his assistant was choking.

He jumped up. “Good Lord Father, are you okay?”

“I’m fine thank you. Water went down the wrong pipe.” Fr. Nicholas sounded hoarse. His eyes were teary too. All he needed to choke and die was to hear Tessa’s name. She was coming home.

His boss returned to his seat and gave him a sympathetic look. “I’m also doing this for you. It’s your second chance. Do not mess it up again.”

“I fear it’s a little too late Father. Tess hates my gut. She finally blocked my lines. Both on WhatsApp and for calls. I just have to stay away.” 

“Your loss then. I’m not going to give you a sappy motivational speech. Do what you want, just stop moping around my house. You’re chasing away the Holy Spirit.” Fr. Nathaniel concluded.

Fr. Nicholas was used to his Boss’s brash attitude. The man wasn’t mean per se, but he wasn’t exactly warm either. He was just strict, but underneath that gruff exterior, was the kindest heart he’s ever known.

He smiled. “Thank you, Father. The meal was wonderful.”

“I know it’s salty and I’m pretty sure the water is too much.” Fr. Nathaniel responded as he drew his chair back and stood up. “We give you thanks Almighty God……”

Fr. Nicholas packed their used plates and glasses into the kitchen. Boss cooked, he’ll do the dishes. It was also his turn to clean the living room after dinner. He was going to be left alone to his thoughts as he worked. His boss wasn’t the social type. After dinner, the man would go upstairs to his room. Not coming out again till morning.

He had all night to think about how to earn Tess’s forgiveness. And he wasn’t going to stop until she was his friend again.



Tessa stopped feeding Leo and looked up at her mother. Leo took the distraction and squirmed out of his mother’s firm grip. The boy hated ice cream, even though Tess loved it. Tess sighed and let him go. She’ll just finish the cup herself.

“Mum, you said what?”

“I said Fr. Nathaniel wants to see you. So you will dress up and come to this evening’s devotion with me. Your father can look after Leo while we are off. Heaven knows why he doesn’t like to attend devotions. You’re just like him. You took after your father in everything, in stu…….”

“Mum, calm down. I will come to the devotion. E never reach fight now.” Tessa interrupted her mother.

Mrs Odiahi tended to rant off-point most of the time. As a teenager, Tessa used to find it annoying. Now, she’s very used to it. She came home with Leo the previous day. They were able to wiggle out of attending the devotion then because Leo was throwing a tantrum.

She looked at the boy now. He was building something that looked like a deranged dinosaur with his Lego set.

“Leonard. Do you want mummy to stay home with you and Grandpa?” She smiled sweetly at him, while her mum scowled.

Leo shook his head, matching her smile with his own. His dimples flashed in return. He inherited her dimples and curly hair too. Her mum squealed and hugged Leo; who wriggled out of the hug.

“I love him.” Mrs Odiahi exclaimed.

Tessa rolled her eyes and went inside. She needed to shower and dress up for Church. She prayed Fr. Nicholas would not be there. She wasn’t ready to face him. Not yet.


Fr. Nicholas was tired and very hungry. He had just concluded 10 am Mass. Three Masses in a day and his throat was already parched. Yet, at the end of each one, he had to stay and talk to the Parishioners. Some of them could be very infuriating, but he just had to smile and endure it.

“I’m telling you, Father. That boy is not Mrs Odiahi’s sister’s son. He looks too much like Theresa. Isn’t it suspicious that she left Ijaye around the time a boy of his age would be conceived?” Mrs Adeniyi, the church’s gossip and towncrier was saying.

Fr. Nicholas’s heart skipped a beat at the mention of Tessa’s name. He had not seen the boy yet, but seen his mother at the devotions. She always managed to disappear immediately after the prayers ended. 

“So, Mama, what are you saying in earnest?” He asked her. His patience for the woman was waning.

She schooled her expression immediately. The malice became compassion. “Ehh, I’m just looking out for you and Fr. Nathan oh. I feel you have been deceived. I heard she’s the director of Ascension’s play for the drama fest. Would you allow such a person to hold that dignifying position? My daughter, Opeyemi, has a degree in theatre arts oh.”

Fr. Nicholas smiled. Sometimes, she amused him. “Thank you for your concern Mrs Adeniyi. But I’m sure we should just take Mrs Odiahi’s word for it. I appreciate your thoughtfulness. I would also appreciate it more if you could keep this observation of yours between us. Father would not like it if he hears this observation elsewhere.”

He didn’t wait to hear her response. He nodded at her and walked towards Tessa, her mother, and her son. They were arguing about something. He cleared his throat as soon as he got to them. Tessa’s eyes widened immediately she noticed him. He hoped her heart was racing just like his. She looked as beautiful as ever.

“Good afternoon Father.” Mrs Odiahi greeted.

“Is it already past 12?” He asked her. He wasn’t sure what time it was. He had rushed through Mass because he needed rest and food.

Mrs Odiahi bumped her daughter, not so subtly. “Good afternoon Father,” Tessa muttered.

Gosh! He missed that voice. “Good afternoon Tess. And who is this big man here?”

He finally saw the boy. He was the definition of gorgeous. The masculine version of his mother. The boy walked forward boldly, eluding his mother’s attempt at dragging him back. That made him smile.

“My name is Leonard Odiahi.” He smiled.

“Wonderful name. And how old are you, Leonard?” 

“I’m three years old.” He answered, holding up five fingers.

“Baby. That’s five.” Mrs Odiahi laughed. Leo quickly corrected himself. He held up three fingers proudly.

Fr. Nicholas laughed and ruffled the boy’s hair. “Would you like to join Father and me for Lunch, my boy?”

“No, we have to go now.” Tessa quickly jumped in.

“Yes please.” Mrs Odiahi countered. “I’m going to wait for your father to finish his meeting. You and Leo will join Fr. Nicholas for lunch. Period.”

Everywhere was suddenly tense. Tessa and her mother were giving each other a stare-down while he was feeling awkward. Thankfully, Leo broke the tension by taking his hand. 

“Let’s go Father.” The little boy dragged him towards Domus Pacis.

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