domus pacis 4

Tessa watched Fr. Nathaniel play with her son. It was a really strange sight. After the very awkward lunch, the older priest and her son started playing video games on his tablet. He was very patient with Leo, and that was very surprising to her. Lunch was delicious, thanks to the Catechist’s daughter, who was the new cook.

Somebody walked up to her. Her heart clenched when she saw Fr. Nicholas. “Please Tessa, can we talk privately?”

She snorted. “Oh, now you want to talk to me.”

He winced visibly and she felt bad. She wasn’t supposed to feel bad but she couldn’t help herself. So, she sighed and stood up.

“Thank you.” He smiled and led her upstairs. 

She followed him up the familiar staircase and straight to his room. It was just as she remembered it. Her eyes went to the James Hadley Chase novel on his pillow. She remembered giving him the book as an early Easter present. Her heart warmed that he still had it.

“You still have the book.” She finally said. It didn’t look like he was ready to break the silence.

He nodded. “Of course. After the selfies of you on my phone, this is the next best thing I have of you. Couldn’t bear to let go of it.”

She simply nodded. He moved towards her, closing the gap between them in a jiffy.

“Look, Tessy. I am so sorry. I don’t know what else to say than sorry. I wish you could see how much I regret all I said to you. I never should have taken Clementina’s word over yours.”

“All this is not necessary. I already forgave you. Can I go now?” She wasn’t in the mood.

He had hurt her and the pain cut deep. It wasn’t the first time someone would presume about her. But her feelings for him made his presumptions painful. It had taken her a full month to get over it. 

He held her hands and tingles ran up her arms. “Please, Tess. When I heard you telling her I was nothing more than a friend to pass the time with, I lost it.”

“You have Ann. What was I supposed to say?”

“Ann is Father’s friend. Not mine.”

“But she was always calling you.”

“That’s Christiannah.”

“Your sister?”

“Yes, my sister. I know Clementina twisted our minds, but I still accept the blame for choosing to believe her. You tried to explain but I shut you off. I was so heartbroken, I didn’t know how else to handle it. It was the first time I would be falling in love with a girl, I didn’t know what it entailed.” He looked at her so deeply that her heart clenched again.

“What did you just say? You loved me?” Tessa couldn’t imagine it.

“Loved? No. I Love you, Tess. I know it’s wrong, but it feels so right. I can’t help it.” He answered.

Tessa didn’t know there were tears in her eyes. He loved her. Her feelings weren’t unrequited. 

“Guess what?” She finally spoke.

“You love me too?” He asked hopefully.

She nodded rigorously and started laughing. She was happy. Magically, all the hurt disappeared. It was like it never happened. He drew her into a hug and all the tension in her body dissipated.


Fr. Nicholas could hear laughter downstairs. Fr. Nathaniel broke protocol by inviting people into the house. The occasion demanded it. For the first time in nine years, Church of Ascension won the Marian Drama Fest. Tessa’s drama had no rival. The precision, the storyline, and the emotions brought everyone to their feet.

Her drama was the only one without a supernatural storyline. Yet, it was the most realistic. The past three weeks with her was simply amazing. He was happy and in love. For her birthday, he got her a necklace. The pendant was a locket with a picture that had their initials; N&T. seeing her smile was the only reward he needed.

Leo was a very active and happy child. He had grown attached to the boy, he couldn’t imagine his life without mother and son in it. 

“Glad you could join us, Father. I think these kids have finished the wine.” Fr. Nathaniel sounded merry. That was a nice surprise.

His eyes found Tessa’s and he smiled unconsciously. “They deserve it, Father. They did well yesterday. I’m very proud of you guys.”

The actors hollered and clapped. StellaMaris passed him a glass while Akhere passed him a bottle of wine. He poured himself a little and took a sip. It was tangy but sweet. A little hand suddenly held his leg. He looked down to see Leo grinning at him.

“My Champ. How are you today?” He asked his little friend. 

Leo raised his arms. He lifted the boy and placed him on his hip. “I’m fine Father. Mummy won’t give me the zobo.”

Fr. Nicholas laughed heartily. “It’s called wine. Mummy can’t give it to you because this particular variety is not too good for children.”

“But I’m a big boy. You always call me a big boy.” He looked crestfallen.

“Of course you are. You know what? Let’s go get you something specially made for big boys in my room.”

“No Ice cream.” He shouted.

Fr. Nicholas shook his head. “No Ice cream dear.”

“Yay!” Leo jubilated with his hands in the air.

Fr. Nicholas signalled to the boy’s mother that they were going upstairs. She smiled and nodded that she understood. He then proceeded with the grinning boy to his room.


After the last of the actors left, Tessa and Fr. Nathaniel silently walked up the stairs. He got to his room first. But before entering, he called her name.

“I have not had the chance to thank you for bringing this glory to the Church of Ascension. Your work was flawless and I appreciate it.” The older Priest said quietly.

Tessa was speechless. Fr. Nathaniel was full of surprises. “You’re welcome, Father. It was my great pleasure.”

He nodded and entered into his room. Tessa let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. She walked to Fr. Nicholas’s door and knocked. He asked her to enter and she did. She noticed Leo was asleep on the bed, while he was at his desk.

She smiled at the sleeping boy. “How did you manage to wear him out?”

He only winked at her. “A secret.”

She laughed and walked towards him. He extended his arms and positioned her on his laps. 

“What’s in your back pocket? It’s poking me.” He asked her.

She wiggled and brought out the culprit. It was a lemon plus candy. She laughed and unwrapped it. 

“I’m feeling generous. Do you want to share with me?” She asked him.

“Isn’t that the sweet Peter gave to you the last time he was here?” He looked amused.

“Yep.” She grinned while he shook his head.

Fr. Peter was his best friend. She met him thrice already and she liked him. He was very funny and nice. Oddly, he always had candy or chocolate in his pocket. Not surprisingly, Leo and she became his biggest fans. Mother and son were suckers for candies.

“You’re letting Peter corrupt you.” He sighed.

She giggled and poked his nose. “Someone sounds jelly.”

He laughed and flicked her nose in return. “I’m not jelly. Whatever that means. I know you love me too much.”

“Tah, who’s deceiving you?”

“You know it. I’m very sure the only guy that’ll take you away from me should be your future husband.”

She suddenly stopped smiling. He noticed it and asked her what was wrong.

She sighed before responding. “Um, about that, I don’t want to get married.”

He was quiet. Then “What do you mean you don’t want to get married?”

“I meant just that.”

“Sweetheart, you know I won’t ever hold you back. If you’re doing this for me, please reconsider.”

“No, it’s not about you at all. It’s about me. You know I have issues with intimacy. What’s a marriage without intimacy? How are we supposed to make a child?” She wished he understood her.

“Look, Tess. All we have to do is get you to a psychologist. I’m sure with a little help, you’ll be fine.” He rubbed her back gently.

She sighed again. “No father. I’ve had time to think about it. I know what I want to do. I want to be able to help other young girls who have gone through what happened to me. I want to be able to reach out and affect their lives positively. As a religious, I’ll have access to more resources and reach more people faster than a lay faithful.”

“Are you saying you want to be a Nun?”

“Yes Father, that’s exactly what I’m saying.” She looked him right in the eye.

“Wow. Are you sure you’ve thought about this thoroughly? What about Leo?”

“I spoke to a Mother Superior online. She’s the one in charge of the congregation I’m looking at. I just have to train him till he’s no longer dependent on his mother. She’s willing to accept me into the fold. Though I know the process is long, but I’m patient.”

He was quiet for a while. “Well, I’m with you. No matter what you want to do.”

She placed her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. “I know.” 


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