domus pacis 1

Before you start reading, please bear in mind that I wrote this story as a wide eyed nineteen year old trying her hands on a forbidden romance prompt in a writing contest.

So, forgive the cliches and ridiculous writing tone.

Theresa wished she had listened to her parents at that moment. She was shivering and the numerous insects that never ceased to inhabit bushes feasted on her skin; probably grateful for a decent human meal after a long time. It didn’t look like a place anybody walked or drove through for that matter; given that, no car had passed in the twenty minutes she had spent manoeuvring her way through the dense forest she was abandoned.

“Dear God, if you can get me out of here, I promise to never disobey Mum and Dad again.” She prayed aloud to the quiet bush.

Recalling the events that led her to her precarious situation brought fresh tears to her eyes. To save extra money, she left the park immediately after her uncle dropped her there and drove back to his house. She went to the express to board the cheaper and faster vehicles. She didn’t have to wait for a whole bus to get filled and she had an extra N500 to spare. Luck was on her side. A Toyota Camry stopped to pick her up after five minutes of standing. There were three men in the car; driver inclusive. She greeted and started listening to music through her headphones, dozing off in the process.

A rough shaking motion brought her out of her seemingly drugged haze. Her head was pounding and the hot sun was on her bare skin. Wait what? Her bare skin? She was very naked, except for her panties and her bra. A woman’s face was peering at her, though the face looked very blurry. As things became clearer, she noticed she was lying down on a grassy patch inside an unfamiliar forest. The three men in the car were standing some distance away with her bag and clothes. 

The woman raised her head and smiled at her. “You’ll soon feel better. Try to find your way before nightfall. Thanks for the tremendous help. All these should feed us for a few days before we have to hunt for new prey. Take care girlfriend and be careful next time.” She wagged her fingers and walked away.

How ironic! A thief was telling her to be careful. 


Fr. Nicholas Hart wished his eyes were deceiving him. He closed his eyes and reopened them. Nope! He was still very awake. He just nearly crushed a girl to death on the quiet and rarely-plied road. He did the sign of the cross and prayed it was not a trap to lure him out of the safety of his vehicle. The road was the only road in and out of Imesi village. The villagers weren’t known to be welcoming, so people rarely went there and the villagers themselves were content with staying in their remote hamlet.

He was just returning from the evening Ash Wednesday Mass. He silently wished he had been patient enough to take John with him earlier that day. At least he wouldn’t be so alone now. Summoning enough courage from the beads of his rosary, he kissed the crucifix, opened the car door and stepped out. The chilly February air blew on his sensitive skin and he rubbed his exposed arms absently. I should have worn a cassock instead of a collar he mused.

He knelt beside the frightened girl. Lord have mercy, she’s naked. His thoughts were running wild. It was just the beginning of Lent and his faith was already being tested. She was a bit slim and appeared to be of average height. She looked skittish and very cold; the shivering gave it away.

He rushed to the backseat of his car and smiled when he saw that the denim jacket was still there. He had been meaning to remove it from his car, but it always skipped his mind. Thank God for small mercies. He approached the girl and she looked at him warily. He couldn’t blame her. She must have gone through something traumatic.

“It’s just to cover you up and to help you against the cold.” He stretched the jacket towards her.

She took it from him gently and her eyes started to water. Oh no! She must not cry, he wouldn’t know what to do. He preferred practical issues and not emotional ones. “Please don’t cry.”

She nodded and wore the jacket and whispered a thank you. She’s really beautiful, he noted. He wondered what she would look like with a smile on her face. Then chastised himself for even wondering.

He needed to get her into the car and then try to get her to talk. The area was too lonely for them to keep staying on the road staring into each other’s eyes. “Can you walk? Or should I carry you?”

She shook her head and managed to get herself upright. He helped her into the passenger seat. After settling in his seat too, he started the car. He needed to get her to her people. “What is your name?”

She was quiet for a while. But she finally answered in a barely audible voice. “Tessa”



She felt like she was floating. She could hear the low hum of voices saying something rapidly. She thought she saw the periphery of a big house within the cluster of trees. Finally, the tiredness of her aching muscles won the battle; she fell asleep.

When she woke up, she was not somewhere familiar. The room was nicely done but it appeared sterile; no one lived in it. Probably a guest room. She was still in the denim jacket from the previous night. It smelled like him. Her saviour. She had dreamt of those eyes and the voice lots of times in the past. Then, it had felt strange to keep seeing and hearing an unknown man in her dreams. Tall and handsome. 

Oh God, he saw me in my underwear. Not a very good first impression to have left on a man that gorgeous. She shed the shirt and entered the bathroom. She needed a bath and she also needed to find the occupants of the house, so she could find a way home. Her parents would be worried.

Wrapping a towel around herself, she walked into the room at the same time the handsome man came into the room. She froze. He froze.

He tried to avert his eyes quickly. “I’m sorry, I should have knocked. I thought you were still sleeping.”

Recovering from her shock, she smiled at him a bit. “No problem. Erm, thank you for last night. That was a brave and risky move. Stopping to help me in such a place.”

“You’re welcome.” He dropped the bundle of clothes he was carrying on the bed. “You should put those on. Father would like to talk to you, so we can get you home.”

Father? He lived with his parents? Or was she in a parish house? Oh God, don’t let him be a priest. She thanked him. He nodded and left the room for her to dress. She picked up the bundle he brought. It was a man’s sweatpants and a big polo shirt. They would probably be too tight on him, but on her relatively smaller self, different story.


“Father, the girl’s breakfast is ready,” Clementina called to Fr. Nicholas. 

The younger priest raised his head and thanked the cook. “Where is John?” He asked her retreating back.

“He’s with the mechanic checking out father’s car.”

“Thank you, Tina.”

He removed his glasses and was glad he was interrupted. He was pretty sure he was already calculating nonsense. He could not get the image of her smiling face out of his head. Did I think she was beautiful last night? She’s stunning in the daylight. Fr. Nicholas wasn’t seeing a beautiful girl for the first time. His vocation placed him in close contact with different and lots of people. But there was something about the girl he saved. Something that intrigued him.

Soft footsteps brought him out of his reverie. Now I know why those men in novels find it hot to see a lady in their clothing. The clothes were big on her, but for some reason, it felt like the only thing she should be putting on. She smiled again. He smiled back.

‘Please come with me. Father is in his study.” 

He started walking towards the boss’s study when he heard two girls scream. He turned to see Tina and the girl, Tessa, hugging each other. What was he missing?

“You know each other?” He asked no one in particular.

“Yes, father.” Tina nodded. “Tessa here was our choir mistress three years ago before she suddenly moved to Gaye the big city to become a city girl.”

“I had to get a degree, Tina. Not to become a city girl. Besides, it’s not like Ijaye is a village. Wait, this is still Ijaye, right? You’re still a cook in Domus Pacis yeah?” Tessa looked frantic all of a sudden. He had the urge to calm her down.

“Calm down Theresa. Yes, this is Domus Pacis. You wouldn’t know since you were always running from the Parish house. Your mum told me you were coming home to join the baptism and first Holy Communion catechism classes. Didn’t think the strange girl Father brought home would be you.” Tina would always be talkative, he mused quietly.

He had to stop the little reunion. He couldn’t keep Father waiting. “Come on Tessa. Father is waiting.”


Tessa’s mind was not in the catechism class. The events of the past three days were still running commentaries on her mind. It didn’t help that she also couldn’t stop thinking about the tall Priest. He had helped placate her parents when their worry transformed into anger. The parish priest on the other hand was happy to see her parents shouting at her. She had been irresponsible.

The class ended finally. The catechist’s boring droning was enough to lure even the most active person to sleep. How are we supposed to learn anything? As she and three other late registered students moved towards Domus Pacis for cleaning, she looked at the choristers gathered in front of the Marian grotto longingly. She was once a part of that.

Tina opened the front door for them. The two girls exchanged pleasantries. “Abeg, you will help me to clean Fr. Nicholas’s room this evening. Fr. Pat said I shouldn’t leave the cleaning catechumen alone. The last set stole a few knick knacks when they came to clean.”

Tessa’s heart skipped a beat at the mention of Fr. Nicholas’s name. “Can you not clean it after we are done with our job?”

“Father won’t be happy if he returns and his room is not cleaned. I usually do it every Saturday evening. So, help me please?” Tina gave her puppy eyes.

Tessa sighed and agreed. Tina yelped and hugged her, directed her to Fr. Nicholas’s room and walked away to supervise the others. Tessa took the stairs slowly and wondered why she was suddenly shy. The man had seen her almost naked twice, besides, he wasn’t even going to be in the room. She found the broom and duster in the spot Tina told her it would be.

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