
     Act I

     Scene 1

The stage is set to portray a tastefully furnished modern living room. Voices filter to the audience from off-stage. The sources of the noise are soon revealed to be two women. Enter ADEBOLA and MRS. ADEBISI. Their voices are loud, as MRS. ADEBISI follows ADEBOLA to the centre of the stage.

                                          MRS. ADEBISI

I can’t believe you would do this to us. Your father and I are highly disappointed in you.

ADEBOLA does not say anything. She stops walking and turns to face her mother.

                                  MRS. ADEBISI (CONT’D)

So, you are suddenly mute now? I thought you had a lot to say back inside.



Why don’t you want to be happy for me?

                                    MRS. ADEBISI


                        She claps her hands mockingly.

                                    MRS ADEBISI (CONT’D)

You want me to be happy for you? Right after you wasted our money for seven years? Ehn, Adebola. Bikonu, no vex me this evening.


Mummy now. You of all people should know I never meant to do that on purpose.

                                    MRS ADEBISI


I don’t know anything oh. Ehn ehn.

Adebola moves closer to her mother and lays a hand on her shoulder softly.


Mummy now. Stop shouting.

                                    MRS ADEBISI

Hehe, I should stop shouting. So, you’re saying your own mother is shouting abi?


Oya, mummy sorry. Calm down, let’s talk.

                                    MRS. ADEBISI

                        She rolls her eyes

So, what else do you want to say in your defence, ehn? We paid through our teeth to put you through medical school. Paid exorbitant fees, bought all those ridiculously big textbooks, and indulged all your extra requirements for comfort, but…


…And I appreciate that Mummy. I do.

                                    MRS. ADEBISI

Do you really? Because if you did, you won’t say you want to throw away all those years because of a foolish longing.


                        Folds her hands on her chest and pouts.

Acting is not a foolish longing. It has been my lifelong dream, until you and Dad forced me to suppress it, just to fulfil your lifelong dream of having a doctor in the family.

Mrs. Adebisi sits down on one of the chairs on stage. She places a hand on her forehead and pretends to feel faint.

            MRS. ADEBISI

Oh my! This girl is finally going to kill me. So, now you’re blaming your father and I for this misguided devotion to your childhood fantasy?


                        Kneels beside her mother

Please mummy, stop seeing things from that point of view.

                                    MRS. ADEBISI



She suddenly leaps from her seat, startling Adebola in the process. Adebola falls gently, but Mrs. Adebisi pays her no heed as she paces the centre of the stage.

                                    MRS. ADEBISI (CONT’D)

                        She raises her voice,

Millions! Adebola, Millions! That is what you want to waste like that.

Adebola opens her mouth to speak, but a voice from off-stage interrupts her. Enters MR. ADEBISI.

                               MR ADEBISI

What is happening here? Why are you people trying to bring down my roof ehn? I could hear you two shouting and almost beating each other from two streets away.


Welcome Daddy. It was…

                                    MRS. ADEBISI

                        Moves to stand between Mr. Adebisi and Adebola

It was Adebola oh. Your daughter said she would not rest unless she sends me to an early grave.


Haba Mummy.

                                    MRS. ADEBISI


Haba gini? Did I lie? Were you not trying to kill me?


                        Turns to face her father.

Daddy, that’s not what happened oh.

                                    MR ADEBISI

Then, tell me what happened.

Adebola is quiet. She looks at her mother expectantly, but Mrs. Adebisi does not say anything. Mr. Adebisi looks expectant.


                                              MR ADEBISI (CONT’D)

My friend, I don’t have all day.

                                    MRS. ADEBISI

Your lovely daughter has decided to throw our sacrifices to our faces. She said she never asked us to send her to medical school, and that she was not going to practice medicine. She said she wants to be the next Patience Ozokwor.

                                                      MR ADEBISI

                        Looks incredulous

A witch?

                                    MRS. ADEBISI


                                             MR ADEBISI

Oh oh. I see.

                        Turns to stare at Adebola.

Bola. Ngbo? Is that so?


Well, I did not put it that way.

                                     MR ADEBISI

But that is the summary, abi?

                        Adebola nods.

                                      MR ADEBISI (CONT’D)

Well, you can only lead your flock to the stream. You cannot force them to take a sip. I have led you in the path that I felt would be most beneficial to you, but if that is not enough for you, then do as you please.


                        Tries to hold on to Mr. Adebisi, but he dodges her attempt.

Daddy please.

                                                 MR ADEBISI


                                    MRS. ADEBISI


                                         MR ADEBISI

Please, come and serve me my food,

                                    MRS. ADEBISI

With all pleasure!

Mr. Adebisi and Mrs. Adebisi exit stage. Adebola is left looking forlorn on the stage. She appears to be deep in thoughts. Her countenance displays unhappiness. After a few more moments of inner soliloquy, she sighs audibly, and exits stage also.

                                                                                    FADES OUT



The setting of the stage is still the same. Enter Adebola and DORCAS. Dorcas is a chubby young woman. She is a bit shorter than Adebola. There is considerable distance between them as Adebola moves faster than her. When Adebola gets to the centre of the stage, she sits on one chair, and waits for Dorcas to catch up.


Slightly out of breath

You cannot even wait for me. All the way from the theatre, you dey waka as if person dey pursue you.

She takes a seat beside Adebola. Adebola is not paying attention though. She’s going through her bag, frantically searching for something.

            DORCAS (CONT’D)






Na you I dey follow talk now. Calm down, I’m sure you aced the audition better than any other person.


When someone like Halimat Waya auditioned?


You too like to dey sell yourself short. Halimat has got nothing on you. She has simply been in the game longer than you.


You really think so?


Yes, I think so. If the worst happens, you’ll be her understudy.


The only chance an understudy has, to appear on stage is if the main actor is unavailable. How is Bernard Onoriode supposed to notice me for his new play then?


Well, we can always accidentally push Halimat into a well.


                        Looks mortified.




I’m kidding. On a more serious note though, Bernard Onoriode’s plays only feature the best of the best. He’s an award winning playwright for a reason. You, my dear friend, are super talented. Just take your time, and your light will soon shine.


You really think so?


Why not open the letter yourself and see?

Adebola brings out a folded piece of paper from her handbag. She unfolds it, straightens it, and peruses the contents of the paper. Her face is impassive for a moment, but she suddenly screams and bolts out of her seat. Dorcas follows suit, and tries to calm an excited Adebola.



I got it.


Any decibel higher, and you would actually blow up my ear drums.


                        (Smiles with guilt.)

Sorry. I am just so happy.


I know, and I am happy for you. You deserved it. You rehearsed for weeks.

With a dazed smile on her face, Adebola returns to the seat she vacated, while Dorcas remains on her feet.


Wow. I’m actually going to play Oluronbi in the Royal Theatre. This feels so surreal. Do you know how important and popular that folklore is?


Yes. I’m not Yoruba, but I know the story like the back of my hands.


What if I mess it up Dorcas? What if I’m not good enough for that role?


Come on Adebola. You and I know Kudus Olanrewaju would not have selected you to play the lead if you were not good enough. Especially when Halimat Waya auditioned for the same role. I know you’ll do just fine.

                        She walks closer to Adebola and taps her on the shoulder.

                                    DORCAS (CONT’D)

Don’t fret too much. When will the rehearsals begin?





All the more reason to pull yourself together. Come, let’s go share the good news with your parents.


They are not interested.


We’ll tell them nonetheless.

Dorcas holds Adebola’s hands and pulls her off the stage in slow, measured movements.



The curtain rises to reveal the stage setting. It is set to imitate a busy theatre stage. The EXTRAS are working on the stage props in preparation for the opening night. Adebola is sitting on a low stool at the centre of the stage, while MICAH sits on the floor beside her.


Mr. Kudus is not happy with you.


                        Covers her face with her palms and groans.

I know.


Then, why are you refusing to give him what he wants?


                        Looks at him with contempt.

You actually expect me to acquiesce to his ridiculous demands? This wasn’t stated in the original script.


                        Raises the bound pieces of paper on his laps.

The script was revised, and that’s normal.


There is nothing normal about this. It wasn’t even in the original folklore.


You think the original Oluronbi story is more than five minutes max? of course, embellishments are needed.


Well, why does it have to be of this particular kind?


Adebola, stop acting like a child and…

A loud voice coming on stage interrupts him. Enters MR. KUDUS. He is wearing a director’s earpiece and holds a copy of the bound papers in his hand. His strides are purposeful as he makes a beeline for Adebola. Adebola scrambles to her feet when she sights him, while Micah maintains his position.


Where is she? Where is that girl that wants to jeopardize my years of hardwork? Adebola!


Yes sir!


Did I ask you to sleep with me before I gave you the role?


                        Shakes her head.

No sir!


Then, why are you trying to sabotage me?


I am not trying to sabotage you sir, I am just not comfortable with the idea of going nude on stage. The world will be watching.


And so? The world will be watching, so what? Don’t you understand what drives sponsors and commercialism in this business?


I just feel the play would be okay without that scene.


Since when are you a play director? Look here young Missus. I made Halimat Waya your understudy, and she’s only a call away from replacing you. Honestly, I blame myself. I don’t know what I was thinking, before I casted a newbie as my lead actress. I should have made you an understudy instead.


I’m so sorry sir. I promise I’m a good actress.


I honestly thought you had prospects. Bernard Onoriode will be here on opening night to scout for the lead actors for his next play. I thought you had a shot but you don’t.

                        Adebola tries to speak, but he raises a hand to silence her.


He only deals with serious actors, and you are obviously not in that category. What’s in your body that the world hasn’t seen before?


                        Looks reproachful

I’m really sorry sir.


You have a week to compose yourself. After that, and you’re still undecided, say goodbye to your acting career.

He doesn’t wait to hear her response. He turns around and marches off the stage with the same strides. All activities on stage pauses suddenly. Adebola is the only mobile character. She moves forward, almost at the edge of the stage.



Maybe this path isn’t mine. Maybe father was right. Maybe mother knew best. Why else would this be my portion? Or is he right, and there is nothing sacred about my body? My passion and my career are on the line if I do not do what he wants. Wait a minute. Are they worth my dignity as a proud African woman? Maybe this path isn’t mine. Maybe father was right. Maybe mother knew best.

 Activities resume as she finishes her monologue. Adebola looks defeated as the curtains fall.

                                                                                                FADE OUT




The setting is back to default. Mr. Adebisi and Mrs. Adebisi are seating on the chairs. Mr. Adebisi is reading a newspaper, while Mrs. Adebisi is eating from a transparent bottle of groundnut. Enters Adebola. She looks tired as she occupies the last seat.


Daddy good evening. Mummy. Good evening.



                        Mrs. Adebisi is quiet.


How was today’s rehearsals? You look tired.


The director is very demanding. He needs everything to be perfect, and he…

A loud crunching sound cuts in. It is coming from Mrs. Adebisi as she chews her groundnut. Mr. Adebisi and Adebola pause to look at her, while Mr. Adebisi shakes his head with mirth on his face.


Folding his Newspaper.

Ehn ehn Adebola. What is this news I hear about your play?


What is that sir?


That you have to take off your dress in one of the scenes of the play.

Adebola is silent. The only audible sound comes from Mrs. Adebisi’s chewing.


I see the papers did not lie then.

                        Adebola shakes her head.


So, are you going to do it?

                        Adebola is quiet.


Adebola. You have come quite far in your acting career in such a little time. I will not lie and say I am not pained that you chose prancing like a donkey on stage over being a doctor. But, if it is what makes you happy, then go ahead. Unfortunately, I won’t watch you throw caution to the wind because of a career. Where is your dignity as a woman Adebola?


`                       Scrambles off the chair and kneels beside her father.

Daddy, I’m really sorry. I told him I was not going to do it, but when he threatened to cut me off, I started having conflicted thoughts.


I am not of those parents that will blame everything on the west and corrupting our African traditions. All I’ll ask is that you remember the home that you come from. We ask that you respect the sacrifices your mother and I have made over you for years now. Remember that, before you throw away your pride for crumbs.



I’m so sorry Daddy.


                        Pats her head.

It’s alright. Clean your tears and stand up.

                        Adebola stands up while wiping her face.


Come on, go inside, freshen up and find something to eat.


Thank you daddy.

                        She exits stage.



                        Looks at Mrs. Adebisi.


                                    MRS. ADEBISI


                        She continues eating as curtains fall on stage.

                                                                                                                        FADE OUT




The stage looks like a theatre stage again. Extras are still working on props. Adebola is standing at the centre of the stage. She’s singing. BERNARD ONORIODE is by the side, looking from the shadows. When Adebola finishes her song, a few Extras clap, but Bernard’s clap overshadows theirs. Adebola turns to look at him in surprise and awe.


Oh my! Mr. Bernard Onoriode.

                                    BERNARD ONORIODE

Bernard will do please.

                        He extends a hand and she shakes it.


I can’t believe you are here. We were told you’ll only be coming for the opening night.

                                    BERNARD ONORIODE

That’s correct, but I wanted to see the actress that said no to Kudus.

                        Adebola’s smile falls.


He’s going to replace me once the week is over.

                                    BERNARD ONORIODE

While you resume a bigger job.


A bigger job? Where?

                                    BERNARD ONORIODE

With me of course. I want you to star as Queen Moremi, in my new play; Moremi untold.


                        She is shell shocked while Bernard laughs at her obvious surprise.

Please tell me this is not a dream      



Not at all. You have an amazing voice, and in the world of musical plays, you will become an asset. All you need is extra training, which I am ready to give.


She screams, alerting the Extras. She jumps up and down before engulfing Bernard in a hug. She realizes her error and she pulls back, clearing her throat in the process.


Sorry sir.


No harm done. Congratulations ADEBOLA.

Bernard walks off the stage while ADEBOLA continues jubilating with the stage hands as curtains fall.


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